IEA SolarPACES Australia
Solar Thermal 2000
The 10th SolarPACES International Symposium on Solar
Thermal Concentrating Technologies
Location - Timetable
- Transport - Meals - Accommodation
in City - Accommodation near
University - Arriving in Sydney -
Lab Visits - A special
SolarPACES Task Meetings
The three SolarPACES Task meetings will be held at the The
University of Sydney from 13 to 15 March 2000. The meetings will be
in room 481 in the Faculty of Architecture (Wilkinson Building) at 148
City Road Darlington. Click here
for a map of the university campus (beware: 114kb). The Wilkinson building
is at map reference "22M".
Hotel Bus
Laboratory Tour
Bus pick-up
Park Regis
All Seasons
Start Time
Finish Time
Start Time
II |
I |
No tour
Transport to/from meetings
The University campus is near the inner city, but over 30 minutes walking
distance from the hotels. To make it easier for Task meeting attendees,
a SolarPACES chartered bus will pick up and drop of at the Park Regis Hotel
(5 minutes from the Hilton Hotel) and the All Seasons Darling Harbour Hotel.
If you are staying at a different hotel, please find your own way to either
one of the pick up locations or the meeting venue.
The pick up times are listed in the table above. The morning pick
ups will be from outside the hotels. The afternoon pick ups will be from
near the laboratory tour (Mon & Tue) or the meeting venue (Wed). Please
be ready at least five (5) minutes before the departure time. You MUST
be on time, as the bus cannot (and will not) wait. If you miss the bus,
please use a taxi or a public bus.
The bus will leave after the laboratory tour on the Monday and Tuesday.
Should you not wish to participate in this tour, you will need to use public
transport to get back to the hotel or wait until the end of the tour.
Morning and afternoon teas will be provided at the meetings, but lunch
will be at your own expense. There are eating facilities on the university
campus, within a few minutes of the meeting venue. More details about lunch
options will be provided at the meetings.
If you are attending the symposium, it is recommended that you stay
at one of the hotels listed for the Symposium. If you are only coming to
the task meetings, then you can stay near the University. See below for
The symposium hotels are:
Hilton Hotel (5 star): A$215 plus 10% tax
All Seasons Darling Harbour (4 star): A$140 plus 10% tax
Park Regis Hotel Sydney (3 star): A$99 plus 10% tax
Please book rooms at these hotels via the conference organiser. Forms
are included in the final program, which is available as a pdf
file (123kb). The contact details for the conference organisers are:
The Meetings Manager Pty Ltd
PO Box N542
Grosvenor Place NSW 1220
Phone: +61 2 9241 2955
Fax: +61 2 9241 5354
The recommended hotels can easily be reached by the monorail that
connects the Central Business District (CBD) hotels with Darling Harbour.
monorail travels in an anti clockwise direction, trains depart every
five (5) minutes and the cost is A$3.00. There are Monorail stops in or
near the Hilton Hotel, the Park Regis Hotel, the All Seasons Hotel, the
Novotel as well as other places. Please follow this link
for a larger map showing the Sydney CBD and the possibility to download
Accommodation near the University
If you are only staying in Sydney for the Task meetings, then there
is this motel, which is located next to the University:
University Motor Inn
25 Arundel Street
Broadway NSW 2007
Phone: +61 2 9660 5777
Fax: +61 2 9660 2929
sorry, no e-mail or web page
Cost: A$106 single or A$111.50 for a double room. These
are special prices. Please mention when booking that you want the "special
meeting price". Please book directly with the motel. Breakfast available.
Restaurant available.
Arriving in Sydney
Please follow this link for information about arriving by plane in Sydney.
Laboratory Visits
David Mills and his
staff will conduct two tours of their laboratories
and facilities at the University of Sydney, including prototype parts
for the CLFR system. For Task II members, the tour will take place on Monday,
whereas Task I & III members will be able to participate in the Tuesday
tour. It might be possible to see an absorber in action, which will require
sunshine, in which case the tour might be re-scheduled to take place DURING
the task meetings, rather than at the end of the day. This will be advised
on the day.
There is only a small charge for this tour: Please smile and ask
A Special Event - The Sydney Mardi Gras
Should you be in Sydney early (Sat 4 March):
Sydney's Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras festival is second only to
the carnivale in Rio de Janeiro. It is a celebration of gay culture with
art and performances during February culminating in a night of outrageous
entertainment, when Sydney's extroverted gay community dons leather and
lace for a noisy and colourful (but peaceful) parade along Oxford St. on
Saturday, 4 March starting at 8pm. This is an event not to be missed, but
recommended only for the liberal minded. More information is available
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