IEA SolarPACES Australia
Solar Thermal 2000
The 10th SolarPACES International Symposium on Solar
Thermal Concentrating Technologies
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| Australian Consortium | SolarPACES
The Program
The program will include sessions on
Component development
Measurement Techniques
Solar chemistry fundamentals
Solar concentrating applications
Solar thermal electric power systems
Solar waste detoxification
Workshop: "Large scale solar electricity generation - ready for the market
Poster session
It will bring you up to date on:
Power plant projects and experiences
Project developments
Technical development of components
Solar thermochemical systems
Political, social and economic aspects
There will also be some joint plenary sessions with the other conferences.
The full program is available as a pdf
file (123kb). The SolarPACES sessions are on pages 6 and 7. Or you can
download just the SolarPACES sessions
as a pdf file (116kb). This does not include the key note addresses or
other conference information.
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