Dates | Location | Details and links |
5-7 March 2000 | Sydney | IEA PVPS Task VII meetings (or via Task 7 link) |
6-7 March 2000 | Sydney | IEA SolarPACES Executive Committee meetings |
11-12 March 2000 | Sydney/Canberra | Solar Thermal, Wind & PV Site Visits |
13-15 March 2000 | Sydney | IEA SolarPACES Task I, II, III Meetings |
14-16 March 2000 | Canberra | IEA Hydrogen Program - Annex 14 Workshop & Forum |
16-19 March 2000 | Sydney | IEA SHC Task XXX: Solar City
2000 Workshop
Draft agenda and background information for this event is also available here. |
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